It is sometimes so magnificient.
It sometimes means nothing, not more than taking your steps depending on someone.
Yet,"some dance to remember, some dance to forget."
Dancing is when two souls get close to each other, when they try to feel each other. It doesn't always work. Sometimes we can't feel the other, eventhough we try hard to do so. We might like it at first. Because it's a dance that your partner does anything not to hurt you, he tries not to take any wrong step towards you. These dances make you feel valuable. However, you don't want it to last long; if you just feel that there is no rhythm or passion in the dance. We can't create the rhythm or the passion if they don't come out naturally. Feeling a stranger's body on you makes you want to stop the dance, eventhough the music is bewitching! It always is.
But yet, there are some dances that you try your best not to lose a minute without dancing. Unlike in the other dance, your partner is not so careful about not hurting you. Yet, you feel like you have been dancing for so long and the music is so appealing and your partner is so hard to leave and there is passion -not unison-, there is the habit -not magic-. You feel like dancing has never been so great, until your partner makes a mistake taking a wrong step and you fall down... maybe for a lot of times you fall down and stand up again and again. Dancing with him is more than magnificient, but it's never enough. Some mistakes in dancing can't be forgiven..
And the best dances... When there are rhythm,passion,unison all together!... Is it impossible? Some think so... It isn't. I have felt it for a short time that it's not impossible, i feel it isn't.
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