Here is the last blog of 2009!
Wow! How fast one more year has passed!... It's quite unbeliveable to believe it has been one year. Nevertheless, it's right when it's said time flies!
I of course remember the new year eve in last year. It was pretty true that I have entered 2009 with the ones I love. -Okay, not all was the ones I love. Anyhow, it was pretty ok. I am still wondering how this one is going to be like.
"We all get at least one good wish in a year over the candles on our birthday. Some of us throw in more, on eyelashes, fountains, lucky stars. And every now and then, one of those wishes come true. So what then? Is it as good as we hoped? Do we bask in the warm glow of our happiness or do we just notice we’ve got a long list of other wishes waiting to be wished? "
We also have wishes when it's to be a new year. New wishes, incoming decisions, ingoing hopes... One of our wishes will come true, one of our decisions will be performed, one of our hopes will be actualized. And then? Will we be aware of it? Even we are, will we be grateful for we are among the lucky ones or will we just keep on complaining about we have a lot left? Probably and unfortunately, we will be doing the last one. -I won't be one of them. None of us should be. I wise up to my hopes, wishes and decisions, I wise up to my dream. I know I will have the power to make them real and I can't wait to lie back and bask in the warm glow of my happiness! :)
They say we are to be with the ones whoever we enter the new year with during the new year.... I guess I am one of them who believes in it(: Despite of not knowing what tomorrow night will bring, I am curios about it though!
One more thing! While entering the new year, I have one important voice in my head. And it's to make myself happy even if nobody will be around or with whoever will be around. Letting people make you sad won't get any of us too far. Here I am repeating again that in the end we are all we have and that has to be enough, there is no other way. So why not letting them make you sad??!?? Have the ones who deserve the value you give them! I guess I have had quite enough of it this year :)
Whatever! 2009 wasn't like how I expected it to be; but I am hoping that I will have changed a lot of things by this time next year.
For the ones I love and care about, I wish new year will bring happiness, success and love to all! <3
P.S: I am also hoping to have better and more blogs in the coming year :)))
I'll be there for you in 2010 too Pea! Love u.:)
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